Murawin has provided its Indigenous engagement, First Nations Place Strategy and research and evaluation services on a wide range of projects around Australia.
National Urban Policy
Client: The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Service: Place Strategy
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (The Department) are developing a National Urban Policy that identifies the role that all levels of government, industry and the community can play in improving Australian cities and suburbs.
“Our cities and suburbs continue to present opportunities and challenges as they play a critical role in Australia’s economic, social and environmental future. As our cities grow and change, we have an opportunity to plan for and create sustainable and adaptive urban environments that meet the needs of current and future generations.”
Draft National Urban Policy, The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts:
Green Square Integrated Community Facilities & School Cultural Engagement and Heritage Report
Service: Place Strategy
Identifying Strategies to better support foster, kinship and permanent carers
Service: Research & Evaluation
First Nations input, knowledge and voices are meaningfully
engaged, incorporated, and valued using our signature methodology