Navitas RAP Artwork by Marcia McGuire – a proud Whadjuk, Ballardong and Yamtji Aboriginal woman from Perth, WA. The artwork “describes how the organisation will bring every part of our itself into the RAP and reflects how Navitas can use its expertise to empower this change and movement, while growing and learning side by side with First Nations peoples”. Image source: Navitas RAP, p1.

Navitas launch their first-ever
Reconciliation Action Plan

23 August 2022

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this article includes reference to a First Nations friend and colleague who has passed and may also contain images or names of other deceased persons.

On the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2022, Navitas published their inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which was successfully endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

About Navitas

Navitas is a proud Australian company, established in 1994, and is a global education provider, headquartered in Perth, WA. They have a strong international network, with a robust commitment to fostering positive student experiences and outcomes. Currently Navitas employs 16 people who have self-identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, from a total workforce of 3,380 nationally.

Snapshot of Navitas’ reach. Image source: Navitas RAP, p10.

Navitas’ Reconciliation Journey

Navitas kick started their journey towards reconciliation with the development of a Reflect RAP. This plan has been identified as a priority initiative by the Navitas Executive Leadership Team and forms part of their broader commitment to develop a more respectful, diverse, equal, and inclusive place for people to learn, work and thrive.

Commenting on the publication of the RAP, Navitas CEO Scott Jones said: “I am very excited to launch the first Navitas Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which is the first formal step in our journey to reconciliation and our commitment to creating a fairer, more respectful and kinder place for First Nations peoples to work, study and thrive.”

The Navitas Reflect RAP focusses on engaging staff in the reconciliation journey and identifying ways to increase their understanding of, and respect for, First Nations histories, cultures, knowledge, and rights.

The Murawin team who worked alongside Navitas, were thrilled to see a genuine enthusiasm and commitment from Navitas. There is resounding momentum within Navitas that will ensure their Reflect RAP and future RAPs, will extend their focus to explore more meaningful ways to support First Nations students and increase access to education.

The RAP identifies practical plans for action and tangible ways Navitas will build mutually beneficial relationships with First Nations stakeholders. It lays a foundation for Navitas to explore meaningful ways to increase access to education and improve employment outcomes for First Nations peoples, and to increase supplier diversity to support improved economic and social outcomes.


Navitas engagement with Murawin

In 2021, Navitas engaged Murawin to provide guidance and cultural insights to their RAP Steering Committee and Navitas more broadly.

Our team worked closely with Navitas to provide project direction and assist them with embedding cultural understanding, practice, and protocols into the organisation. As we joined Navitas along this journey, our team delivered a Reconciliation Roadmap Workshop, which was attended by the Navitas RAP Steering Committee, Working Group and other employees.

Murawin’s CEO, Carol Vale shared, “We’ve walked alongside this group for many months now as a Critical Friend and it is clear that Navitas truly value the contributions of their First Nations friends and colleagues who have provided insights and knowledge based on their own lived experiences and those experiences of generations who came before them. There have been some tough conversations and it’s encouraging to see organisations, such as Navitas lean into those tough conversations with the expectation of seeing beneficial outcomes for Indigenous Australians.”

“It has been exciting to collaborate with an educational institution that is so dedicated towards making meaningful change and it has been a pleasure to provide Murawin’s guidance and support in their reconciliation journey.”

Snapshot of Navitas Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan. Navitas RAP Artwork by Marcia McGuire – a proud Whadjuk, Ballardong and Yamtji Aboriginal woman from Perth, WA. Image source: Navitas RAP, p4 (RAP Artwork), p.16, and p.23 (Leaders from the Careers & Industry division of Navitas participated in a Walkabout tour, hosted by Jellurgal Aboriginal Cultural Centre).


In loving memory

The Navitas RAP is dedicated to the memory of our First Nations colleague and friend from the Australian College of Applied Professions (ACAP), and proud descendant of the Bundjalung nation, who sadly passed away in 2022. Our sister colleague had been a champion of First Nations peoples through her role as Advisor to the Navitas RAP and her participation on the ACAP Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee. A teacher of Indigenous Social Work, she was a force of change in educating students and staff about inclusive social work practice, drawing from her rich knowledge of First Nations history and culture, and informed by her lived experiences.

Click here to read the full Navitas RAP or to learn more about Murawin’s Reconciliation Action Plan services, please email