place making
Murawin’s Country-centric methodology
that ensures Country, community and Indigenous knowledge informs all the projects we work on and guides us through intercultual collaboration and co-design.
In an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander view, Country is everything.
It is not only the place itself but everything that makes up that place: the land, water, skies, animals and the people. More importantly are the relationships, the energy, and the space in between the individual parts. Nothing exists in isolation; it is a part of a complex system, with all elements in constant interconnection and interrelatedness, where context is everything.
Barri Marruma provides a four-phase framework
that provides an anchoring to Country and ensures that our services are rooted in context, deep listening, participatory engagement, exploratory co-design and ambitious vision.
Deep listening enables unearthing and uncovers the project truths, the roots.
The deeper the roots, the deeper and longer lasting the impact
The deeper the roots, the deeper and longer lasting the impact
Sharing of principles, values, and knowledge grounded in context, community, and culture. Water is cyclical, always moving and changing form. Both informed by the landscape it moves through and simultaneously changing it.
Working together enables collaborative conversations, we apply our understandings to shape a path forward. As a catalyst for change, through fire comes new growth and regeneration.
Creating connection between the past, present and future. The sky is where our stories, vision and dreams come together in in a world of innovation and possibility.