Every 26th of January First Nations Australians are told to celebrate Australia with their fellow Australians. We are told it is a time for Australians to come together and celebrate this great nation. This is not a great nation for First Nations peoples.
26 January is not a day for celebrating. It marks the beginning of attempted cultural genocide and incalculable loss for our First Nations peoples that continues to this day. The First peoples of Australia do want Australia to come together as a nation. They have put this in writing to the people of Australia in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
The Uluru Statement invites all Australians to come together with the First Nations peoples of this land and walk together to a stronger future. It invites all Australians to rally behind Truth Treaty and Voice to claim for Australia the kind of greatness that comes from justice not domination. We encourage you to reflect this January 26 on what it means to come together as a nation, and what it is that makes a nation truly great.
#firstnationspeople #changethedate #fromtheheart