Our research & evaluation work follows a rigorous process of meaningful engagement & reciprocity
between the researcher (our client) and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities involved.

Our clients range from all levels of government, corporates, the not-for-profit sector, and philanthropic foundations to:
Conduct culturally responsive, Indigenous-led qualitative research
Measure social impact
Design policies and services within an Indigenous context
Evaluate policies, programs, and outcomes, relevant to individuals, organisations, and communities
We utilise a community-based participatory research methodology (CBPR), which has been validated by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) research committee as a collaborative research approach that emphasises the importance of building relationships between researchers and community members.
As a First Nations consultancy,
Murawin understands the vital importance of involving and consulting the communities affected by the issues in a culturally safe and respectful manner. So, we collaborate with clients and communities to understand their needs and facilitate appropriate methodologies and processes for research and evaluation that are participatory, inclusive, and foster self-determination.
Visit our projects page to see case studies of our work in Research & Evaluation
We believe that deep listening, evidence and understanding underpin good decision making and are the foundation to creating sustainable impact and change. In our Research & Evaluation service, we implement our Barri Marruma methodology to ensure the design of policy, programs, and interventions are based on an accurate and nuanced understanding of the issues they are looking to address.
Learn more about our signature methodology
At the heart of all that we do