Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore
Let us know your thoughts on the proposed project
What’s this about?
Property and Development NSW, on behalf of the NSW Government is continuing to progress a community-led indicative masterplan for the activation of the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshore Precinct. Murawin has been engaged to ensure issues of importance to Aboriginal people living and working in the Coffs Harbour community are included in the Indicative Masterplan.
Phase One Engagement snapshot outcomes:
- Sites of significance and their implications for planning and development of the Jetty Foreshore
- Aboriginal aspirations and concerns for the Jetty Foreshore
- Caring for Country opportunities
- How to ensure ongoing Aboriginal involvement
- How the project can deliver value and reparations to Country and the Aboriginal community
- Innovative and creative design suggestions that embed Aboriginal perspectives into the project
Phase Two Aboriginal Engagement
Focussing on the Indicative Masterplan and gathering Aboriginal community opinions and viewpoints.
Have Your Say
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Or email us your thoughts on the project: info@murawin.com.au
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